Fixing the Pike/Pine District

It has always amazed me that right across from Pike Place Market, a tourist destination that is Seattle's jewel, is a section of seedy businesses and rundown buildings that essentially wall off the other part of Seattle's vibrant hub: the Westlake Center area and the shops along 5th Ave., and Pacific Place. I've watched tourists do a 180 when they start heading down this stretch because crossing this moat is tricky: There are homeless people wandering around, mentally unstable people, and even shit on the sidewalks. I'm talking about human feces.
This will all change in the next few years when developers get the green light to develop properties that will be taller and will replace pawn shops and tattoo parlors for Gucci and Fendi shops. The Seattle Times had a great article yesterday with a map that outlines the sections that will change as soon as the city codes are passed. While I don't covet shiny, plastic people, I do think something needs to be done to nudge Seattle into a world-class city and to clean up this no-man's land.
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