The Future: Exurbia Sprawl

New York Times columnist David Brooks had a column this morning titled "A Nation of Villages," which is oh-so-important if you're at all concerned about suburban sprawl -- or, as he calls it, "exurbia." While cities are being revitalized by New Urbanism, the pace to get outside of cities is still very much the norm. The main point of his article is the development taking shape outside of Phoenix in the next decade, which will put a million people there by 2025. But, here's the clincher from his article:
"According to a Brookings Institution study by Arthur C. Nelson, half of the buildings in which Americans will live, play and work in the year 2030 don't even exist yet."
The photo above is screwy-looking because it's a panorama of suburban sprawl near San Ramon, Calif., taken by Matt Jalbert. Once you get to the photo, pan to the right.... Are you crying yet?
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