Strange Magnolia Sightings -- Day 3

This is not trick photography. Martha would be highly offended. Who said a decoration needs to be as big as the house?
Vade mecum is Latin, meaning "go with me." I tune into Seattle real estate and neighborhood development.
Nanny Seattle: The city is inching toward the suburbs -- and Singapore [Seattle Weekly]My partner and I were out to dinner with two real-estate-agent friends, and one
half-jokingly said that "White Center is the new Ballard." Apparently, Shoreline
used to be the new Ballard, until it got pricey. So first-time single-family
home buyers have to go farther afield. It left me wondering: If the old
square-head Ballard is gone, and the new affordable Ballard has moved south,
what is the current Ballard? The new Laurelhurst?
When it’s budget cutting time in my house, the New York Times and cable TV are the first to go. What usually happens is we get their products for half the cost, because they don’t want to lose us. We play this game every so often and it usually works.
Sims rejects Boeing Field plans [Seattle Times]
"In a perfect world, people would buy clean power even without subsidies, simply because they wanted to help clean the atmosphere. But, as Randy Udall, head of the solar program in Aspen, Colo., points out, much as Thomas Jefferson mystifyingly managed to overlook the fact that he owned slaves, we now collectively overlook our production of 45,000 pounds of greenhouse gases per family per year -- enough to fill two Goodyear blimps. Surely our descendants will wonder why we didn't notice, why we did nothing."
Barb Schwarz has personally Staged and Sold over
3,000 homes in the greater Seattle area. Barb is the creator of the Staging Home Concept and she holds the Federally Registered Trade mark from the US Government on Stage®.