Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Farewell O Little Bungalow

Last week, the Seattle P-I's Jennifer Langston wrote an article about teardowns in Seattle, the headline telling it all: "Houses on Steroids." Within the article was a poem she viewed on a nearby telephone pole:

"Farewell O Little Bungalow,
A victim of pure greed.

In your place a Bellevue Mega-Home
Will rise up like a weed.

A monument to arrogance, status and consumption,
And to a timid City Hall without an ounce of gumption."

Part of me hates it, while another part of me totally understands. I mean, I wouldn't want to live in a two-bedroom bungalow with tiny rooms that can't even fit a bed. Been there, done that. But on the other hand, let's show a little restraint and try not to hog the sky.


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