The “Real” Frasier Property

Fans of Frasier ooh and aah over his swanky penthouse digs, but anyone who lives in Seattle wonders:
Q. “Who the hell in Seattle dresses like Frasier and Niles?
A: No one
Q. If a guy like Niles REALLY lived in Seattle, would he be gay?
A. Yes
Q. Where could an apartment like Frasier’s exist in Seattle?
A. Nowhere
… Except maybe now. Paul Allen’s 2200 is on track to open in Fall of 2006 and it’s pretty slick and Frasier-like. It’s 90% sold, so if you have $740K sitting around, now is the time to do it, because there's only a few left. In addition to granite countertops and floor-to-ceiling windows, you get: Room service 24/7 by neighbor Pan Pacific, pet concierge service, human concierge service and in-residence massage. Sweet. You would never have to leave! And, if you did have to leave, you could take the trolley. Oops, I meant streetcar. They are very touchy about calling it a trolley, so call it a streetcar, OK?
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